Life in all its fullness
Every day in the community, we engage with people from all walks of life. We deliver skilled, evidence-based interventions for those facing adversity, and utilise our reach and vision to confront injustice. We are leaders in crisis response, the protection of vulnerable children, financial resilience and family wellbeing. We meet people where they are and walk alongside them to achieve positive change and growth. Right across Queensland, UnitingCare supports thousands of people living with a disability in redefining what’s possible in their lives.
UnitingCare also provides aged care, disability supports, health care and crisis response in Queensland through BlueCare, Lifeline, The Wesley Hospital, St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital, Buderim Private Hospital and St Stephen’s Hospital. And we provide community, aged care, disability and mental health support in the Northern Territory through ARRCS.
Find out more about who we are and what we stand for; our leadership team; our commitment to our clients; and all the latest information about what we do.

Who we are
Learn more about our history, mission and values, advocacy work, commitment to Reconciliation and sustainability, as well as the other organisations in the UnitingCare family that are doing great work.

UnitingCare is guided by strong governance principles – learn more about our board and executive team, as well as our framework of policies and procedures and commitment to person-centred care.

News and publications
We are a courageous and creative health and community services provider across Queensland and the Northern Territory. Find out all the latest news and read up on our operations in our annual reports.