We are honoured when people make the kind and generous decision to include a gift to UnitingCare in their Will.


Making a gift in your Will is a very personal decision and we appreciate every gift.


Through bequests, we can make the long-term commitment necessary to fund ongoing support services for people from all walks of life, including older people, people with a disability, children, families and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, and to ensure that this will continue well into the future.

You are welcome to leave a gift in your Will for UnitingCare Queensland. Please see below for the recommended wording.

Write your will with Safewill

Through our partnership with Safewill, an online Will writing platform, we have made the process of writing your Will quicker and easier.

Writing a Will is one of the most important things you can do in your life, to protect those you love and care for including your pets.

After you have taken care of your loved ones, would you consider leaving a small portion of what is left of your estate to UnitingCare Queensland to help thousands of people including the elderly, people with a disability, children, families and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders well into the future?

 Complete your will today

Suggested wording

“I give [specify the type of gift e.g. whole of estate, percentage of estate, rest and residue of estate, specific dollar amount, specific asset] to UnitingCare Queensland Limited (ACN 675 001 493) (or its successor) for its general purposes. It is my wish that the gift be used to benefit UnitingCare Community. I declare the receipt of an authorised officer of UnitingCare Queensland Limited (ACN 675 001 493) (or its successor) will be a complete discharge for my executor who is not required to see to the application of the gift.”

Download our free Gift in Will guide
Many generous donors leave a gift in their Will that is not tied to a specific program, service or geographic location. These types of untied gifts allow us to respond quickly to the most urgent community needs at that time. If you would like to leave a gift to a specific area of one of our programs or locations, please contact our Gifts in Wills Manager on 1800 961 881.

Donating In Memory


Giving a gift in memory is a meaningful way to commemorate the life of your loved one and leave a lasting tribute that will support and improve the lives of others.


Donating in memory of a loved one, or asking family and friends to donate in lieu of flowers at a funeral, is a very special way to honour their life.

We invite you to donate in the memory of a loved one, please call 1800 961 881 or email fundraising@uccommunity.org.au for more information.