Social research at UnitingCare

UnitingCare is committed to supporting high quality research that assists our mission to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities as we: reach out to people in need; speak out for fairness and justice; and care with compassion, innovation and wisdom.


We welcome opportunities for research partnerships that support our strategic goals and particularly encourage research projects that:

  • Help us to understand the outcomes of our work
  • Contribute to understanding of best practice
  • Contribute to the development of innovative services

If you are interested in conducting a collaborative research project with us, please contact us via the form below.


Gaining research approval

Researchers should seek ethical approval when the research they are proposing to conduct is with or about people. If you would like to recruit UnitingCare staff or clients as participants in a research project, please follow the process outlined below:

  1. Contact and provide a brief description of the research you would like to conduct. You will be contacted to discuss your project and determine the relevant service area/contact within UnitingCare.
  2. Discuss your project with the relevant service area. If the manager of the relevant service area agrees to support the project, you should then submit a formal application to conduct research at UnitingCare.
  3. Submit your formal application to the UnitingCare Research Approval Group (RAG). The RAG will decide whether to endorse the application based on the overall merit of the research for the organisation.
  4. After receiving approval from the RAG, submit an application for ethical approval to the UnitingCare Queensland Human Research Ethics Committee.

Please read the linked forms and documents before commencing your application.


Application Resources

The UnitingCare Research Policy is now available as an online resource. 

Fact Sheet - Engaging Blue Care and FaDS in Research

Fact Sheet - Research with Vulnerable Groups 

Consent Forms and PIS Fact Sheet 

Combined RAG HREC Application Form 

2024 RAG and HREC Meeting Dates 


Submit a research enquiry

Please provide a short summary of your research enquiry.