Inclusive supports and disability employment

As a provider of disability supports, UnitingCare also aims to become an employer of choice for people with disability.


All leaders and areas play an important role in driving disability employment across the organisation. Our Disability Employment Guide sets clear organisational expectations on disability employment, inclusive language, and where leaders can find advice and support in how to employ more people with disability.


Since 2019, UnitingCare has established Project SEARCH internships in partnership with The Wesley Hospital and BlueCare. The Project SEARCH Transition to-Work Program is a unique, business-led, one-year employment preparation program that takes place entirely at the workplace. The program assists young adults aged 17-28 with a disability to develop workplace skills and secure pathways into stable and rewarding employment in the open labour market.


To achieve the goal of competitive employment, the program provides real-life work experience combined with training in employability and life skills to assist participants make successful transitions to productive adult life.

Project SEARCH logo

Australian Network on Disability (AND)

We are a longstanding member of Australian Network on Disability (AND).

Career enquiries

We highly encourage job applications from people with a disability. If you have any accessibility requirements, please feel free to reach out to People Advisory on 1300 136 757 (Option 2) to discuss or complete the form below.