Keeping the power on

Electricity is an essential service that most households rely on every day. Having your power disconnected, or being threatened with this possibility, can be worrying so it is important that you take action to prevent this.

Is your power at risk of being disconnected?


If you cannot pay your electricity bill, contact your energy provider as soon as possible. The sooner your service provider is made aware of your situation, the more they can support you. If they aren’t aware of your circumstances, they may make incorrect assumptions that could result in your electricity being cut off. They may be able to give you more time to pay, offer a payment arrangement through a hardship program or refer you to external support offered in your community.



What preventative measures should you take to keep the electricity on?

  • Contact your service provider. The most important thing to do is contact your service provider and let them know about your situation. They may be able to offer you immediate assistance.

  • See if you can get a grant. Speak to your provider about a Home Energy Emergency Assistance Scheme grant.

  • Talk to a Financial Counsellor. Contact the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007 and make arrangements to work with a Financial Counsellor free of charge. A budget will be worked out to determine an affordable amount that you can pay. They may then work with you to set up a payment arrangement with your service provider.

  • Seek additional support. If you are unable to come to a suitable arrangement with your service provider you can contact the Energy and Water Ombudsman for additional support.

Which steps should you take to keep the electricity on?

Talk to your creditor
The sooner a creditor knows about something, the more they can help you.
Seek help
Get legal advice or talk to a Financial Counsellor about your financial position and the consequences of any debt you have.

Additional information

women meeting with finance councillor
Looking for guidance?
Contact us today to organise a meeting with one of our financial counsellors.

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