Suicide bereavement support

StandBy – Support After Suicide is dedicated to supporting people and communities in Queensland who are impacted by suicide.


A national suicide postvention program, StandBy is run by UnitingCare in the following Primary Health Network regions of Queensland:

  • Brisbane North and Brisbane South.
  • Central Queensland, Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast.
  • Darling Downs and West Moreton.
  • Northern Queensland.
  • Western Queensland.

How does StandBy help?

StandBy support is free, and we can:

  • Arrange face-to-face or telephone support.
  • Help you understand and respond to your needs.
  • Provide information and referrals to other local organisations.
  • Run tailored workshops to meet community needs.

Who does StandBy help?

We support anyone who has been bereaved or impacted by suicide, including:

  • Individuals, families and friends.
  • Witnesses.
  • First responders and service providers.
  • Schools, workplaces and community groups.

Anyone who has been impacted by suicide can access the service, regardless of when the person died by suicide or whether you knew the person who passed away.

How to access StandBy support

We are here to support you at a time and place that best suits you. We accept referrals from anywhere (with the consent of the referred person). Call 1300 727 247 for support or complete the form below.