Information and guidance as you age

Getting older is inevitable and sometimes comes with difficulties. UnitingCare offers programs and fundamental support for seniors, whatever their situation — whether they are experiencing elder abuse, are the primary carers for their grandchildren, or simply looking for information on services in their local area.



Elderly woman on mobile phone
Seniors Enquiry Line

Seniors Enquiry Line is a state-wide information and referral service for Queensland seniors, families, friends, grandparents and carers.

Elderly woman against orange leaves
Elder Abuse Prevention Unit

The Elder Abuse Prevention Unit operates the Elder Abuse Helpline, and promotes the rights of all older people in Queensland to live free from abuse.

Elderly couple teaching their grandson and granddaughter how to cook
Time for Grandparents

Time for Grandparents provides telephone support, advice, assistance and programs for grandparents raising grandchildren throughout Queensland.