Supporting families
Sometimes when life is rolling along, the wheels can suddenly fall off. But there’s always a way to bounce back from the ups and downs.
When you contact Family and Child Connect, you’ll speak with an experienced family support worker who will listen to you and connect you with people who have assisted others in tough times.
Every family is different, so when you speak with us, you will get advice and support specific to your situation.
Take the first step to turn things around.
It’s free, unlimited and confidential.
One call can make a difference.
We may be able to help you in just one phone call — either by providing advice or referring you to a support service — or we might arrange to visit you at a safe place to talk. When necessary, families can quickly be linked in with domestic and family violence services.
Phone: 13 FAMILY (13 32 64)
To find out more :

Family law services

Domestic and family violence