Live the life you were meant to live
Being young isn’t always easy, and sometimes you are confronted with situations that nobody should face.
If you find yourself in times of trouble, UnitingCare is here for you, to support you to find a stable base, build coping skills and resilience, and live the life you were meant to live. Our support for young people ranges from specialised youth programs to crisis accommodation and out-of-home care, mental health support, disability services and more. Explore some of our key services below.
You are not alone. If you are in crisis, call Lifeline’s 13 11 14 Crisis Support Line.

Mental health support
UnitingCare is here for you, through Lifeline’s 24-hour crisis support services; specialised programs for children and their families; and hospital-based mental health services.

Everyone has the right to fulfilling life that is not defined by disability. Our supports include: health and daily living; independent living; social; holidays; employment services and more.

Youth support
Being young isn’t always easy, which is why we work hard to provide young people who may feel disconnected and alone with the support to live engaging lives and build resilience.

Homelessness can affect people from all walks of life. We operate a referral service on the Gold Coast; as well as crisis accommodation for young women in Townsville.

Residential care
We provide placements for children and young people in houses where care is provided by a team of rostered staff, in cases where foster care is not appropriate.

Foster and kinship care
Our foster and kinship care services support young people who can no longer live with their parents. We support all foster carers through their journey in changing the life of a young person.