Keeping families together
At UnitingCare we recognise that every family is different. We work with families facing difficulty and offer help when it is most needed.
Parenting is a continuous learning curve, which is why we take a holistic approach with the wellbeing of the child top of mind. Whether it’s support to strengthen your family unit, help to keep your children safe and in the family home, parenting strategies, or returning your child from out-of-home care, we’re here to support you with the most up-to-date developments and approaches.
We can help you explore new parenting styles, understand children's behaviour, learn about child development and ways to stimulate development, and learn how to manage stress or depression.
Our parenting programs
With your child’s wellbeing as a priority, our programs are designed to support all members of the family:
- Family and Child Connect puts families in touch with the support they need as soon as problems arise
- Family Support Program provides counselling, mediation, parenting skills and household management strategies to families
- Intensive Family Support Service (IFSS) teaches families how to nurture, protect and keep children safe and ultimately keep families together
- Family Intervention Service (FIS) shares parenting skills to help protect your children and keep them in the family home
- Systemic Counselling for Optimal Placement Experience (SCOPE) provides counselling for children and young people in care, and supports foster parents in undertaking their carer role.
- Children and Parenting Program (CAPP) aims to improve children's development and wellbeing and support the capacity of those in a parenting role.

Family law services

Domestic and family violence