Preparing for your first appointment
Talking to a Financial Counsellor and making an appointment is a big step towards achieving financial control.
By attending your appointment you’ll:
- have a better understanding of your financial situation
- be aware of the options available to you
- have a better understanding of the consequences of each option
- be able to make a more informed decision about your future
- receive support and guidance in a safe, non-judgemental environment
What to bring to your appointment
The more information you can share with your Financial Counsellor, the better they will understand your situation. So, bring any documents that you think may be important. Some of the documents you may wish to bring include:
- Proof of income (e.g. a recent Centrelink statement or a payslip)
- Proof of regular expenses (e.g. how much your rent or mortgage payments are, any other loan repayments or credit card debt)
- Bills (e.g. Rates, water, power, phone, internet) -
- Legal documents that relate to money (e.g. Judgements, Bankruptcy)
Remember to bring all your financial statements, even the ones you feel are under control. The more information you provide, the more your financial counsellor can help.
What to do on the day of your appointment:
- Be early. Plan for traffic and know your route. Arriving early will mean you won’t be flustered for your meeting. You’ll also have time to fill out any forms that may be required. If forms are something you struggle with, don’t worry, the financial counsellor will be able to help you.
- Be honest with the financial counsellor. The better they understand your situation, the more they can help you.
- Be patient. It may take more than one appointment to get your finances under control.
- Have realistic expectations. The only promise the financial counsellor can make is to do their best within the scope of their role to help you.
What happens if you don’t go to your appointment?
If you can’t make it to your appointment don’t worry, call 1800 007 007 and let us know. Your appointment may be able to be rescheduled. If you don’t attend or reschedule your difficult situation may continue or it may get worse. Your financial stresses will remain and you may struggle to move forward.
What to do when creditors call before your appointment
Dealing with creditors can be stressful. If you do receive a call from a creditor before your appointment you can:
Mention that you have an appointment booked with a UnitingCare Financial Counsellor. You can provide the Financial Counsellor’s name and the time and date of your appointment.
Let the creditor know that once you have had the Financial Counselling session and have a clear understanding of your situation, you will be able to decide how to address the debt.
Congratulations on making the toughest decision of all: the decision to change.
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